The Njord brand is owned by a economic association with the same name. The official name is Njord, Northern Bohuslän, Economic association. The purpose of the brand is to promote the association and it's members interests by promoting their products and services under the brand profile of Njord. To be a member of Njord it is necessary to conduct business in the northern part of the Swedish westcoast. It is also possible for individuals to be supporting members of Njord. Njord currently has about twenty members, whose activities can roughly be divided into four groups or activities: Fishing, adventure tourism, food and other products. Traceable, environmentally friendly and locally based – this is Njord's philosophy. If you have questions about Njord, please feel free to contact us by e-mail Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.. |